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April 03, 2004

It's been too long!

Well, life has certainly provided countless reasons to do something other than blog -- like reading other blogs. But there's *so* much going on, I'm compelled to pull the keyboard a little closer. Besides, my latest book is done, and my writing is my own (for a little while). So, let's chat, shall we?

John Podhoretz has an interesting column today detailing the declining electoral fortunes of the Dauphin du Kerry, who is doing the electoral equivalent of a lawn-dart impression, d'accord? Between the economy rebounding and Bush hanging tough on terrorism, I'm not sure what the Dems have as an issue that resonates with the voters who don't belong to the ranks of tinfoil-helmet wearing moonbats.

The always interesting Glenn Reynolds offers some commentary on the behavior of the left, complaining bitterly after their kudos to the killers of the Americans in Falujah resulted in advertisers pulling their ads. Ain't free speech a bitch? Of course, the left long ago forgot that "free" is not synonomous with "consequence free."

More to come.

It's good to be back.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 3, 2004 12:49 PM | TrackBack