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May 11, 2004

Why we fight

The American media obsession -- mirrored in the hallowed halls of Congress (ack) -- with the actions of a few maroons guarding Arab prisoners grows even more ludicrous with the murder of Nick Berg.

Yeah, making an Arab wear panties on his head is JUST like sawing a man's head off, while taping it for the evening news.

When you consider the latest depravity, carried out to shouts of "Allahu akbar!" coupled with the pictures of Palestinians holding bloody body parts of dead Israeli soldiers, it makes you realize that Americans really may not have the stomach to do what needs to be done.

That would be, kill people and break things. Repeat. Again. And again. Until those who want us dead are either dead or willing to surrendur.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of Nick Berg, Sgt.-Maj. Edron Amar, 20; Sgt. Eitan Newman, 21, Aviad Deri, 21, Kobi Mizrahi, 20, St.-Sgt. Ofer Gerbi, 20, and Sgt. Jacob Marvizi, 26.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 11, 2004 11:47 PM | TrackBack


The savage murder of Mr. Berg should serve as a reminder to all of us that our enemy is so morally depraved, so utterly evil that it cannot be reasoned with or pacified with an olive branch. These religious fanatics believe that their deity has empowered them with the right to terrorize and kill those that reject their fundamentalist religious beliefs. Although stimulated by different reasons than the "Third Reich," their zeal and commitment to killing anyone and everyone they deem different and unworthy of life is equally as fervent as the Nazi regime. Like the Nazis before them, efforts to pacify these fanatics will fail. Time will tell whether contemporary American society has the steel to withstand the long fight to the finish that lies ahead.

Posted by: Bill H. at May 15, 2004 01:56 PM

There's no one I respect more than Bill H., and, as usual, he's right on. But even more troubling than the nature of our enemy is the refusal to see that the enemy is actually worse than we are.

The insistence of appeasement-mind "Americans" to continue boosting the "Arabs made to wear panties on their heads" story over, "Islamic Thugs Saw American Jew's Head Off" is infuriating.

Posted by: Mike Lief at May 16, 2004 11:31 AM

The problem for many Americans when contemplating the appropriate response to Islamic extremism is a lack of knowledge and understanding regarding what truly drives our enemy. Liberal activists and others mistakenly believe that these fanatics can be kept at bay through acts of compromise and dialogue. They fail to understand that Islamic extremists reject all forms of compromise with infidels.

Below are some excerpts from Peter L. Bergen's book, 'Holy Wr, inc.' They highlight some of the extemist underpinnings of the Islamic extremist movement.

"The acme of this religion is jihad."
--Osama bin Lazden, reflecting on his experience in the Afghan war.

"Death of the martyr for the unification of all the people in the cause of God and His word is the happiest, best, easiest and most virtuous of deaths."
--The medieval Mulsim scholar Taqi al-Din ibn Taimiya, who is often cited by bin Laden.

"Never think that those were slain in the cause of God are dead. They are alive and well provided for by the Lord."
--The Koran, 3:169

"We have to be terrorists....The Great Allah said, 'Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power including steeds of war, to strike terror [into the hearts of] the enemies of Allah and your enemies."
--Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the spirtual leader of the Egymptian members of al-Qaeda to his followers in Los Angeles, December 1992

"The heads of the unbelievers few in all directions, and their limbs were scattered. The victor of Islam had come, and the victory [we scored] in Yemen will continue."
--Osama bin Laden speaking about the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole on an al-Qaeda recruitment videotape, 2001.

Posted by: Bill H. at May 17, 2004 09:58 AM