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August 04, 2004

We few, we happy few . . . we band of brother


I know, many of you don't think what a man did more than thirty years ago is of any relevance today, felonious conduct aside.

On the other hand, Le Candidate Kerry has done nothing but campaign on his four months in Vietnam, while giving scant attention to his twenty years in the Senate, as well as his time as Michael Dukakis' lieutenant governor.

I think it's only fair to examine his claims relating to his service in Indochine, seeing as how he wants us to think of him as a swashbuckling war hero.

So, he prominently features his "Band of Brothers" -- or as he says, "Bande des Freres" -- at the DNC, and his campaign gives prominent play to the picture of Jacques standing with his fellow Swift Boat commanders, as the campaign brags about the support he's receiving from his former comrades in arms.

Well, of the 19 vets in the picture with Lt. Trois Coeurs Pourpres, how many are actually backing him in his campaign to be the next Commander in Chief?

Remember, Kerry says these guys know better than anyone else about his courage and leadership, 'cause they were "au Le Nam avec moi."

Hmmm, this doesn't look good. Only one of his fellow officers supports his bid for the White House? Well, what do the others think?

That's right. Of the surviving 13 veterans, one thinks John Kerry is fit to occupy the Oval Office. The remaining 12 have said they think Lt. Jacques is "unfit" to be the next president.

The vets have demanded that Kerry stop using the photo.


I know, the AnybodyButBush partisans are going to claim that this is a political hit job, but the problem is twofold: The candidate had chosen to make his military service the lynchpin of his candidacy; and he and his surrogates have reminded us ad nauseum that he was there, immunizing him from the criticism of those of us who did not serve in Vietnam.

Well, these fellas were there, too. And they served alongside Kerry -- albeit briefly (gotta run before the scab falls off!). And they've taken the measure of the man, and found him wanting.

Head on over to their web site; what they have to say has the ring of truth. They are men who have proven themselves in battle and believe one of their own has dishonored them and their fallen comrades.

Posted by Mike Lief at August 4, 2004 04:51 PM | TrackBack