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September 20, 2004

On the other hand. . . .

The nuance is making my head spin. If this is September, Kerry must be against the war. If it was in August, he'd have sorta been for it. Back in the primaries, he thought anyone against ousting Hussein was unfit to be president.


Kerry Says He Wouldn't Have Ousted Saddam

NEW YORK (AP) - Staking out new ground on Iraq, Sen. John Kerry said Monday he would not have overthrown Saddam Hussein had he been in the White House, and he accused President Bush of "stubborn incompetence," dishonesty and colossal failures of judgment. Bush said Kerry was flip-flopping. . .

Kerry has sounded more hawkish, as in December when Democratic primary rival Howard Dean said the world was not safer with Saddam out of power. Anybody who believes that, Kerry said, doesn't "have the judgment to be president."

Reading that quote to his GOP crowd on Monday, Bush cracked: "I could not have said it better."

On a side note, this is my first attempt at using PhotoShop to create a more . . . insightful image of the candidate from the Left Bank.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 20, 2004 06:10 PM | TrackBack