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September 23, 2004

Tey-Rey-Za to AZ: Piss off

Does the Democratic ticket have any interest in winning this election? This is an interesting way to woo Arizona voters while visiting their state.

Via the Kerry Spot:

Finally, this dreary campaign has provided one great, fall-out-of-your-chair, laugh out loud moment.

It comes in a local Arizona television station's interview with Teresa Heinz Kerry. To see the video, go to this Arizona Republic page and click on the link that says, "Teresa Kerry talks about the campaign in Sun City."

The exchange goes like this:

12 News Reporter: Most of the polls are tracking that Sen John Kerry as doing a better job on the economy. My question is, why hasn’t that transferred overall in the poll numbers?

Teresa: It has, of course. Of course it has.

Reporter: He’s still down.

Teresa: He’s not. Did you see the polls today? You saw Zogby and ARG —

Reporter: Yes, but he’s still down in Arizona.

Teresa: Oh, who cares? You know, one state is not a whole state. In the whole United States, he is even, even, and in some of them one point ahead, and in some one point behind.

Her "Oh, who cares" is just about the most priceless moment of this campaign. No matter what else happens this campaign, I have to thank the voters of Iowa for making sure we got to experience this absolutely perfect moment.

(sigh) Why not tell the whole state to “shove it”, while you’re at it?

UPDATE: Upon reading, "You know, one state is not a whole state. In the whole United States, he is even," it appears that Kerry Spot readers around the globe, speaking as one, all simultaneously clear their throats and ask, "Ms. Heinz-Kerry, did you forget about the Electoral College? Winning the popular vote doesn't even get you a free cup of coffee at Starbucks — ask Al Gore."

What a repellent couple. Comtempt for the electorate is always a winning trait in a politician.

Did I mention that Tey-Rey-Za said anyone who disagrees with her husband's healthcare policy is an "idiot"? I'm expecting her to rip off the mask -- ala Mission Impossible -- to reveal the grinning Karl Rove.

November 2nd can't get here soon enough.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 23, 2004 11:15 PM | TrackBack