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February 17, 2006

The Islamic States of America

Republic World News is the official news source for the Islamic States of America, and makes for some fascinating reading. It's based on a new book, Prayers for the Assassin, which imagines a future where, in the words of the author:

Well, the premise of the novel is approximately 2010, the United States is in terrible economic straits, the political leadership is weak, there's lots of dissension in the country, politically and socially, and over a period of time, the regular religious and social institutions are not able to deal with this.

There is an increasing funding by Muslims, from Saudi Arabia particularly, building Mosques, doing good deeds, drawing converts, and there is a political and social shift where Islam becomes slowly more prominent, and there is mass conversions, which has often happened in the past in the United States during the depression, Aimee Semple McPherson, etc.

And in about 2015, there are simultaneous nuclear attacks on Washington, D.C., New York City, and Mecca. And this is blamed at first on Muslim terrorists. And within a week, it is blamed on agents of the Israeli Mossad. And essentially, the United States goes through political upheaval, and most of the country becomes Islamic. The fundamentalist Christians, or the Christians become centered in the, what we call the Bible Belt, the old confederacy, and pieces of that. [The free state of Nevada is] where you can actually get a drink and you can gamble. It's actually the financial center . . . it's the Switzerland of the new America.

Make sure to check out the obituary for Shania X, the country singer who announced her conversion on the stage of the Grand Ol' Opry.

The New York Times gave it a good review (if you care), but that endorsement notwithstanding, it sounds like a fascinating "what if" take on the coming global jihad.

There's a lengthy interview with the author, courtesy of Hugh Hewitt and Radioblogger.

Posted by Mike Lief at February 17, 2006 07:18 AM


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