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March 02, 2006

Bond? Not bloody likely

I'll brook no foolishness: Sean Connery was is James Bond. The only actor to capture the cruelty of Ian Fleming's character, Connery seemed authentically dangerous, a killer by trade.

He was replaced by the foppish Roger Moore, who always seemed like he was looking for a way to avoid mussing his hair.

Then came Timothy something or other, who was believable as a secret agent only because his total lack of charisma made him invisible in a crowd. Good for a spy, not so good for a movie star.

I liked Pierce Brosnan; who would've thought Remington Freakin' Steele could make a decent 007? But he did, coming close to equaling Connery's mastery of the character -- at least until the stupidity of the scripts did him in.

But Brosnan did pull off the necessary air of menace.

The producers have seen fit to retire Brosnan -- with prejudice. Have you seen the new guy? Oy!

From the unbelievably funny-but-cruel I Don't Like You in That Way comes this.

Reports from the much labored production of the new James Bond flick, Casino Royale, claim that star Daniel Craig has a horrible case of prickly heat he caught while getting a sunburn when he was trying to tan. This comes on the heels of Craig losing his two front teeth during a fight scene and his confession to producers that he is unable to drive a stick shift, a problem since the classic Aston Martin DB5 is Bond's car of choice.

No bloody way.jpg

Other sources are claiming that Craig asked the film's producers to supply him with numerous beauty and pampering products such as baby lotion, nail files and wet wipes. All of these incidents have a large number of fans and industry insiders worried about the film's success.

A James Bond movie is about as formulaic as you can get: cool one-liners, liquor, Bond girls with huge tits, explosions and evil villains.

A home video has more plot points than your average Bond film, yet there have been 20 of them. So at this point, a homeless man could direct a James Bond movie, as long as he stuck to this formula, and it would make millions.

So my question is, how in the hell do you screw that up? Oh I know, make sure your Bond is a prancing sissy and more concerned with his french manicure and getting his eyeliner just right to ever bother learning to drive a car. If I was the villain, I wouldn't know whether to dangle him over a pit of sharks or (when he asks) just tell him, "Yes, those pants make you look fat and you have lipstick on your teeth."

One commenter asked, "I wonder if Daniel Craig will reveal his mangina in the film?"

Mangina? Now that's funny!

Posted by Mike Lief at March 2, 2006 12:35 AM


What a treat to enjoy your writing and the writing of "I Don't Like You in that Way" all in one place. That was a nice start to my morning, thank you.

Posted by: Thin Ice at March 2, 2006 09:43 AM

You're welcome.

Posted by: Mike at March 2, 2006 10:13 AM

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