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March 05, 2006

All the Jacksons are nutjobs

Buried near the end of an article on a tell-all book proposal by one of Michael Jackson's brothers (Jermaine) is this nugget.

Michael hates Jews because he thinks Hollywood moguls Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen stole the idea for Dreamworks studio, including the boy-on-the moon logo, from him.

"But the Jews are the powerful ones and they have done a lot to put my brother in his place ... just another nigger."

And Jermaine Jackson is the sane one. Need I point out that if there's a group of Americans less likely to refer to a black as "just another nigger" than the Jews, they've yet to be revealed by modern science. There's only one group of people in 21st Century America that enjoys spicing up conversation with the more-than-occasional "nigger," and it ain't studio executives or self-loathing creative types.

It's amazing how much of this hatred is just below the surface, and it's symptomatic that so many in the entertainment industry feel comfortable spewing it.

And the capacity of my fellow Jews to suck it up, brush it off, and move on is repellent. But the Jews in the entertainment industry may be putting on a good public face. I've heard that more and more Jews are moving to the right, alienated by the increasing evidence that the historic alliance between the blacks and Jews dating back to the 60s-era Civil Rights Movement has been repaid with this kind of anti-Semitic bilge.

Wasn't it Mark Twain who said that no good deed goes unpunished? Perhaps that's the growing sentiment amongst American Jews.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 5, 2006 03:18 PM


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