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March 07, 2006

More from the demented Jackson Family

Fox News columnist Roger Friedman saw Jermaine Jackson on Larry King last night. After hearing Jackson "lie" about what was in his book proposal, Friedman tracked down a copy and posted portions of what the pop star's brother wrote.

I was so interested in Jermaine Jackson’s 2003 proposal for a book about his brother Michael that I called around to find the actual document. Jermaine had shopped it around to several book publishers and sure enough, there still were copies to be found.

Here are excerpts from it, in Jermaine’s own voice. I have no idea where he is right now, but my guess is that if Michael has found out about this, Jermaine is on his way to a place much farther away than Bahrain:

“My brother is a superstar, yes. My brother is wealthy. He owns shares in Sony music. He drinks, he does drugs, he lies, he cheats, he changed his skin color and mostly, he’s human. He attracts gay men and wards off women like the plague.”

“He married a woman because she was pregnant and he was doing business with Muslims (which I am a Muslim) and Muslims won’t do business with someone who is engaged in having children without being married.

"He paid this woman, who nobody would ever look twice at, several million dollars. My brother purchased children. It is like a sanctioned black market. He is very powerful; he picked the sperm donor by using information provided by a sperm bank. Now, who can do that? Michael Jackson, that’s who, my brother.

“I have maintained my residence by my mother's side at the family's Hayvenhurst estate in Encino, California because I know how much I am needed there. Michael counts on me to be there as does the rest of my family.”

“It was my little brother, he conceived the whole idea behind DreamWorks. The logo is still proudly the official logo of Neverland. Unfortunately, Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen all stole the idea from him. That’s one reason why Michael hates Jewish people so much. But he plays the game with them. There is a game that all in Hollywood play. But the Jews are the powerful ones and they have done a lot to put my brother in his place….just another nigger. That’s what Don King told Michael at the start of the "Victory" tour. No matter what Michael, you’re just another nigger.

“My brother doesn’t always learn the valuable lessons life teaches. He is stubborn, hard-headed and, at times, harsh. He is cold, calculating and devious. The blood of his father runs freely through him. We were all afraid that the blood of Joseph Jackson would eventually contaminate all of us.

“But this is still my family and I love every one of them and I won’t sit by and let my brother go to prison. Prison would kill him. I’ve thought about doing the time for him, if he’s convicted. Michael wouldn’t survive in prison for one day. He’d commit suicide.

“Joseph did some disgusting things to Latoya and Rebbie, especially. If it weren’t for Mother’s loyalty to him, he’d probably be in prison for what he did to our sisters.”

Nice to know how far family loyalty will go. And kudos to Larry King for another tough interview. Not. Friedman notes King's failure to ask any tough questions of his guest, including the fact that he was lying about the contents of the book proposal. How does that guy keep his job?

Posted by Mike Lief at March 7, 2006 07:37 AM


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