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March 14, 2006

Welcome Power Line readers!

I'm a news, politics and film junkie, with a background in journalism, the law, and driving submarines. Click and scroll around for a couple of minutes -- but make sure to check out my books over on the right side of the page. There's a third coming this summer, so be sure to look for updates.

I've written on a variety of topics; here's a sampling:

The threat presented by Germany's latest U-boat.

Why Hollywood's award-winning films are so deeply uninteresting.

Reasons why justice and the law often are poles apart.

The joys of jury selection.

The death penalty and remembering the victims instead of lionizing the killers.

And, of course, stunning fashion choices by criminal defendants and other courthouse denizens.

I hope you'll come back and see what's new.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 14, 2006 10:36 AM


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