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March 27, 2006

It's 2 p.m. on a school day; do you know where your kids are?

These teens are standing in front of the Ventura County Hall of Administration, which is in the same complex as the courthouse.


These students are across the street from the courthouse. They periodically run with their flags to the other corners. I am told by reliable sources that the police could cite them for truancy. Hmmm, does anyone see any cops? Did you know that the Ventura school district should lose money for each student ditching?

Just asking.


Well, actually, if you're ditching class, you are, aren't you?

Hey, I'm just asking.

Take a look at the fellow in the picture above. He's pumping his fist as a Metro bus goes by, cheering at the passengers. It must be chilly, 'cause he's wearing such a colorful scarf; I wonder if it has some sort of significance to Mexican-Americans.


"Free Palestine," eh? What the hell?

Just another one of the "Americans/Jews are at the root of all evil" types, I guess. He had a clipboard and was on the cell phone a lot, so he looks suspiciously like some sort of organizer.


But he does seem to be having a good time, especially given the scarcity of that imperialist symbol of oppression, aka the American Flag. Oh, sure there were a couple here and there, one of them mounted below the Mexican flag on a pole, contrary to custom, usage, and the United States Code, but you'd need an education to know that the American flag flies above all other flags.

I noticed one juror wondering through the crowd, nodding his head approvingly. When he saw me looking at his Juror badge, he took it off and slipped it into his pocket.

One middle-aged guy was questioning a girl about how long she'd protesting; she said she'd been on the corner since seven this morning. When he asked if she was supposed to be in school, she answered that her teacher gave her permission, so long as she stayed on the sidewalk, and besides, she got out at noon.

Your tax dollars at work.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 27, 2006 03:02 PM | TrackBack


Only in America can a criminal (it is a misdemanor to enter this country illegally) protest being called a criminal.

And could one of the supporters (legal or illegal) please explain WHY my tax dollars should pay for welfare and health care for their American-born children?

Never mind, most of them never bother to learn English so they can't explain...

Posted by: Red Statesman in a Blue State at March 27, 2006 04:12 PM

So, today I spent a good part of my day in court prosecuting an illegal alien for harming someone.

Then, I was hard at work during my lunch period and could hear the protesters down on the street while I earned more money to pay more taxes to cover the medical expenses of an illegal.

Then, the cherry on top, I left work, walking a short distance behind a friend who lost a son fighting for our freedoms, began my drive home, and was greeted by protesters who were holding signs in a language I could not read.

Seriously folks, when are we going to say ENOUGH???

Posted by: Thin Ice at March 27, 2006 10:02 PM

Considering that latinos make up the majority of high school droppouts and overall have the lowest education level of all immigrants, they can least afford to ditch school.

But their truancy was supported by the latino community, so I guess they're satisfied that their children will be cleaning my children's homes and washing their cars.

Posted by: Aggravated in California at March 28, 2006 03:25 PM

I've decided I would rather pay more for strawberries than in taxes and health care costs.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Posted by: Thin Ice at March 28, 2006 03:33 PM

Twenty bucks says the guy with the "Free Palestine" shirt is their civics teacher.

Posted by: Mr. Mojo at March 29, 2006 04:46 PM

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