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March 31, 2006

Ungrateful bastards update

Did you hear what the Moonbat Pacifist Peace Activists did after they were rescued (less one dead Moonbat)?

Well, I should say, did you hear what they didn't do?

No, they still haven't said "Thank you" to the British soldiers who risked their lives to rescue them.

According the the Telegraph, Released hostages 'refuse to help their rescuers'.

The three peace activists freed by an SAS-led coalition force after being held hostage in Iraq for four months refused to co-operate fully with an intelligence unit sent to debrief them, a security source claimed yesterday.

The claim has infuriated those searching for other hostages.

Ungrateful bastards before.jpgUngrateful bastards.jpg

The [Ungrateful] Canadians: Harmeet Sooden and Jim Loney, before and after.

Neither the men nor the Canadian group that sent them to Iraq have thanked the people who saved them in any of their public statements.


The two Canadians kidnapped with Mr Kember - Harmeet Sooden, 32, and Jim Loney, 41 - were said to have been co-operative at first but less so on arriving at the British embassy in Baghdad after being given the opportunity to wash, eat and rest.

Previous hostages have been questioned on everything from what shoes their kidnappers wore to the number of mobile phones they had. The pacifist Christian Peacemaker Teams with which the men were visiting Iraq is opposed to the coalition's presence and has accused it of illegally detaining thousands of Iraqis.

Jan Benvie, 51, an Edinburgh teacher who is due to go to Iraq with the organisation this summer, said: "We make clear that if we are kidnapped we do not want there to be force or any form of violence used to release us."

Although the CPTs has welcomed the men's release, it has not thanked the rescuers in any of its statements. It blamed the kidnapping on the presence of foreign troops in the country, which was "responsible for so much pain and suffering in Iraq today".


Gen Sir Mike Jackson, the chief of the defence staff, told Channel 4 News: "I am slightly saddened that there does not seem to have been a note of gratitude for the soldiers who risked their lives to save those lives."

Asked if he meant that Mr Kember had not said thank you, he said: "I hope he has and I have missed it."

It emerged that about 50 soldiers, led by the SAS, including men from 1 Bn the Parachute Regiment and the Royal Marines, as well as American and Canadian special forces, entered the kidnap building at dawn.

Ungrateful, miserable bastards. We should send them back.

I've previously commented on the contempt I feel for pacifists.

My opinion remains unchanged.

Posted by Mike Lief at March 31, 2006 11:45 AM | TrackBack


"Out On A Limb" readers cannot possibly understand why these men would remain mum because these blessed peace activists are men of conscience.

If they truly believe that coalition forcers are brutal occupiers, they should not be forced to celebrate any connection between the occupiers and their release.

Without the invasion and presence of the occupiers, the peace activists believe that they would never have gone to Iraq and that they never would have been kidnapped in the first place. It's a simple and clear logic.

I celebrate any person of conscience, especially peace activists. It's a shame that those who carry guns and shoot bullets are always given hero status, even when the premise of their mission is flawed from the outset.

Instead of celebrating those who bathe in blood, let's give a welcome hug to a peace activist who believes that it is better to feed, clothe and love the world than conquer it by brute force.

Posted by: Sbarro at March 31, 2006 07:29 PM

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