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April 14, 2006

Ben Afleck: Genius

Did you hear about the astute political analysis provided by brainiac Ben Affleck on Bill Maher's show?

Reminiscent of Al Franken on the Late Show last October, on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, actor Ben Affleck charged that President Bush “probably also leaked” Valerie Plame's name and so “if he did, you can be hung for that! That's treason!” In full rant, an apoplectic Affleck asserted: “You could be killed. That's not a joking around Tom DeLay 'I'll do a year, I bribed the state officials with corporate money.' That's like they shoot you in the battlefield for doing that.”

A couple of points about Affleck and his actor friends: a bigger group of know-nothings I've never met. During my time as a theatre-minor in college (for the writing, dammit!), I spent quite a bit of time with the acting crowd. Nice people, but terribly insecure, most only comfortable when pretending to be someone else, with what to say having been taken off the list of things for which they were responsible -- at least when on stage.

But, as a result of the "Method," everything was about feelings, an approach to acting that bled over into the way to live life.

Take these critical-thinking skills -- BWAHAAAA! -- and add into the mix huge piles of cash and toadying lackeys kissing their pampered asses and proclaiming the brilliance of their deep thoughts, as the moviestars glance out of the corners of their always-a-little-panicked eyes to see if the audience is clapping, and you get the typical Maher celebrity guest.

I gave up on Maher when he moved from the East Coast the the West. He used to be able to get heavy-hitting politicos and other establishment types, putting together panels where there were typically three interesting intellects of the sort not usually seen on talk shows, with one Hollywood assclown thrown into the mix for a dash of humor.

The 3-1 ration of serious to moonbat proved informative and entertaining. Reversing the ratio when he took his act west has proven deadly: hooting audiences egging on three liberals, often actors and comics, as they gang up on the one conservative who thought he'd get a chance to make at least one substantive point during a conversation with another guest.

Must not have watched the show to begin with.

In any event, Affleck's political and constitutional acumen is truly impressive; I owe him a "Thanks!" for providing further proof that nothing has changed on Maher's show.

Check out the video of Affleck's rant; it's a hoot.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 14, 2006 12:57 AM | TrackBack


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