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April 19, 2006

It's like "Rain Man" meets "Rudy"

Did you hear about the autistic kid who won the basketball game for the school that didn't want to let him play? The tale's heading for the big screen.

Pajiba thinks it's less impressive than meets the eye.

Of course he scored six times. No one, and I mean no one, would want to be known around school as the guy that elbowed the autistic kid. When the mentally disabled kid heads to the top of the key, you give him some space. I mean, come on, he’s autistic. That’s like cheating. At any rate, it’ll make a better movie than the sequel to The Accused starring the Duke lacrosse team that’s bound to be on Lifetime by summer.

He's got a point. In bad taste, of course, but funny -- and probably true.

Posted by Mike Lief at April 19, 2006 12:13 AM | TrackBack


I couldn't get to the link on this story. Could you double check it. Thanks.

Posted by: Thin Ice at April 19, 2006 12:29 PM

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