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May 03, 2006

A day without illegals is like a day without traffic

Captain Ed has a great piece on the aftermath of the illegal alien boycott-the-gringos day.

The real irony of this situation is that prior to the series of protests, with their demands and rejection of American sovereignty, the immigration hardliners did not have the momentum to get their program passed. President Bush had enough juice left to get a moderate reform program passed, one which granted earned citizenship and only superficially addressed border security. Now that the protestors have rammed their strident demands down the throats of Americans, the hardliners have won new support from a broadening group of voters. When they remained "in the shadows", they had a cachet of victimhood that lent sympathy to their plight. With them teaming up with the last and largest group of communist apologists and demanding that America stop enforcing its borders altogether, they no longer have the patina of waifs but as ungrateful and separatist activists.

Patterico was giddy the morning after the protests. In a post titled "Let's Do It Again!" he had a proposal.

Traffic was dreamy today.

Can we try this “Day Without [Illegal] Immigrants” thing again tomorrow?

P.S. I’m even willing to try a “Week Without [Illegal] Immigrants.”

P.P.S. Or a “Month Without [Illegal] Immigrants.”

P.P.P.S. Do I hear a year?

And Instapundit had this to say: If a day without an immigrant means a day without traffic, Angelenos will build a fence on their own.

For a good sampling of the photos you didn't see in the MSM, click here, here and here.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 3, 2006 06:29 AM | TrackBack


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