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May 05, 2006

Why the Moussaoui trial was a disaster

John Derbyshire unleashes on the mockery that was the Zacharias Moussaoui trial.

Thank God the Moussaoui trial is over. I have never been so embarrassed for my country.

The low point of the thing — and a low point for our nation in its accelerating slide to oblivion — was when that U.S. Navy Lieutenenat sniveled and blubbed on the witness stand while Moussaoui jeered at her — quite rightly, in my opinion. I expected Jimmy Carter or Oprah to show up at any minute. An American officer, in uniform, weeping IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY! She should be court-martialed. Instead, I feel sure she will get promoted. ("If you emote, we must promote.") The trial transcripts must have been translated into Arabic, Farsi & Pushtu by now, and are being passed around among the terrorists as morale boosters, with much hilarity and Moussaoui-style jeering.

Judge Brinkema's closing remarks were typical of the whole sorry performance, and gave Moussaoui yet another opportunity to play the man — the only man in the courtroom. Does anyone, DOES ANYONE, think we're going to defeat Islamofascism by squirting clouds of this multicultural mush at it? The terrorists sure as hell don't. Does anyone think the enemy gives a fig for our determination not to "focus on hatred, bigotry, and irrationality" (Judge Brinkema). I wonder if you can win a war without deploying hatred. Homer didn't think so.

The New York Post described Judge Brinkema's closing remarks as "a tongue lashing." I would say that's about right. They have suicide bombers — and, any day now, nukes which they will use. We have wet tongues.

"When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, naturally they will favor the strong horse."—-Osama bin Laden. Yes, they will. We are doomed, doomed.

I couldn't agree more. At a time when we need to steel ourselves for battle, we engage in endless discussions about the root causes of terrorism, "Why do they hate us?" and other feel-good time-wasters.


Let me leave you with an example of wartime leadership, a man who preferred preparing for naval battle -- rather than navel gazing -- Adm. William "Bull" Halsey. Look into his eyes; is there any doubt that this man would pursue the enemy relentlessly?

Repellent as it may be to ever-so-delicate modern sensibilities, I find his fighting philosophy to be remarkably direct.

Edit in "Terrorists" and we've got a slogan for the 21st Century War we're fighting -- a message that will strike fear in the hearts of our enemies.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 5, 2006 09:44 AM | TrackBack


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