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May 13, 2006

Saying "good-bye" to Pres. Bartlett

The West Wing wraps up it's seven-year run tomorrow night. Reliably chock-full of liberal cant, I've watched it periodically over the years, usually enjoying its fast-paced dialogue, good acting, and its wonkish delight in ideas -- even if the show's take on the issues was usually wrong.

Very, very, wrong.

Anyhow, it has had moments of such stupendously stupid left-wing cant that I've changed channels, not tuning back in for months at a time.

For instance, a couple of weeks ago, the incoming president, played by Jimmy Smits, was checking out schools with the future first lady for their kids. After looking at a series of ritzy prep schools, they decide to check out a Washington, D.C., public school.

Naturally, they decide that this will be the perfect place for the president's kids to get a good education.

I turned to my wife and said, "This is possibly the single-most idiotic thing I've ever seen on a TV show," the idea that any big league Democratic politician would send his kids to a public school, especially one in the Capitol.


Despite paying lip service to the important -- nay, indespensible! -- role public schools play in our nation, most politicians (and educators) send their kids to private schools.

Anyhow, the folks at the Media Research Center have compiled a series of clips of the Top Ten Most Left Wing Scenes from the series, nine liberal rants and one atypical exchange, wherein the conservative point of view seems to come out on top.

Donna: We have a $32 billion budget surplus for the first time in three decades. The Republicans in Congress want to use this money for tax relief, right?

Josh: Yes.

Donna: Essentially what they're saying is we want to give back the money. Why don't we want to give back the money?

Josh: Because we're Democrats.

Donna: But it's not the government's money.

Josh: Sure it is. It's right there in our bank accounts.

Donna: That's only because we collected more money than we ended up needing.

Josh: Isn't it great?

Donna: I want my money back.

Josh: Sorry.

Later, they pick up the argument:

Donna: What's wrong with me getting my money back?

Josh: You won't spend it right.

Donna: What do you mean?

Josh: Let's say your cut of the surplus is $700. I want to take your money, combine it with everybody else's money, and use it to pay down the debt and further endow Social Security. What do you want to do with it?

Donna: Buy a DVD player.

Josh: See.

Donna: But my $700 is helping employ the people who manufacture and sell DVD players, not to mention the people who manufacture and sell DVDs. It's the natural evolution of the market economy.

Josh: The problem is the DVD player you buy might be manufactured in Japan.

Donna: I'll buy an American one.

Josh: We don't trust you.

Donna: Why not?

Josh: We're Democrats.

Donna, exasperated: I want my money back.

Josh, snickering: You shouldn't have voted for us.

Seems as good a way as any to bid adieu to Hollywood's fantasy White House.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 13, 2006 05:49 PM | TrackBack


Chelsea seems like a terrific young lady, but that was always my complaint about the Clintons: private schools, double standards.

That's also some funny dialogue from WWing. It's obviously not the norm... Sorkin left awhile back... it's kind of slow motion in making its point. Funny.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at May 14, 2006 12:00 PM

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