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May 18, 2006

Taking the president to the woodshed

Ann Coulter is in rare form, unloading both barrels at Pres. Bush's speech on immigration.

At least Bush has dropped his infernal references to slacker Americans when talking about illegal immigrants. In his speech Monday night, instead of 47 mentions of "jobs Americans won't do," Bush referred only once to "jobs Americans are not doing" -- which I take it means other than border enforcement and intelligence-gathering at the CIA.


Bush has also apparently learned that the word "amnesty" does not poll well. On Monday night, he angrily denounced the idea of amnesty just before proposing his own amnesty program. The difference between Bush's amnesty program and "amnesty" is: He'd give amnesty only to people who have been breaking our laws for many years -- not just a few months. (It's the same program that allows Ted Kennedy to stay in the Senate.)

Bush calls this the "rational middle ground" because it recognizes the difference between "an illegal immigrant who crossed the border recently and someone who has worked here for many years." Yes, the difference is: One of them has been breaking the law longer. If our criminal justice system used that logic, a single murder would get you the death penalty, while serial killers would get probation.

No matter how you slice it, "a path to citizenship" that doesn't begin in the would-be American's home country just rewards breaking our laws. And all that does is breed contempt for our entire legal system -- and encourage more law breaking.

I'm not clear on why Senators believe there's a pressing need for "comprehensive immigration reform," why they're so opposed to securing the borders first, then -- and only then -- addressing the problem of what to do with our illegal aliens. What's the rush? Why now? Both parties have been turning a blind eye to the damage done by illegal immigration for years. . . .

I just don't get it.

Posted by Mike Lief at May 18, 2006 12:17 AM | TrackBack


The way that this president and his friends in Congress have been spending money like crazed lotto winners, I have little faith in their ability to recognize the massive cost that their AMNESTY plan will have in terms of the social welfare system. It's just completely nuts. Say goodbye to the social security trust fund.

Any remaining confidence I had in this president to make a sound, logical decision is about gone. Thank goodness for the Gallegly side of the Republican party. I thought his recent speech on immigration was utterly "clintonian" in its deceptiveness.

Posted by: Bill H. at May 18, 2006 07:41 AM

Since the US is going to continue to throw money at this problem ... why can't the border solution include job training with the intent to send migrants back home to US-sponsored compounds. Possibly use the land there and provide federal aid as usual, but with the intent of rewarding people for building communities. Of course, everything is subject to Vicente Fox's approval, which means it probably wouldn't happen. He wants people out, not in.

Ideally, migrants could get US aid in the form of job training and temporary housing (with a time limit). Create a social structure in which hospitals and schools are built by trained migrants and Americans on salary (non-military).

With so much corruption in Mexico, any attempts to build a self-reliant community would probably be hijacked. It sure seems like our current funding could include a solution for both countries and not just Mexico.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at May 18, 2006 09:03 AM

I agree with Bill H. regarding massive cost -- especially when Social Security will be given to the newest citizens even for the time they were here illegally!

Posted by: Thin Ice at May 18, 2006 03:51 PM

You Republicanos are just afraid of brown skinned people. When I was in the ninth grade, I learned Spanish to bring myself closer to the great Latino people. There is plenty of land and wealth to go around. We need to learn to understand each other. We need to learn to bridge the gaps of language and culture. We all have the same dreams for our families. Latino people are wonderful and hard working. The more the better.

Posted by: Sbarro at May 18, 2006 07:33 PM

>> Latino people are wonderful and hard working.

What a condescending and racist thing to say. Against people of all color.

People are the sum total of their actions and contributions. Anyone who chose to fly an Aztlan flag during the protests is telling you that this country is not their priority. Anyone who participated or encouraged the protests is, in essence, promoting a large scale plan to break the law.

Migrating to this country starts legally and no other way. You wish to take away jobs from immigrants who are employed and in many cases took legal steps to get here. Our schools and hospitals are splitting at the seams.

I know there's plenty of land and wealth to go around. That's why I plan to move into a better home, better than what I have now. Because I deserve it. And I better not get arrested for it. I'm just going to walk into a fine home, maybe your home and you better make room for me. Because I'm looking for a handout.

I've been chipping away at my paycheck for years, supporting people who aren't citizens and who choose to rape the system and drain it of its resources. It's not a matter of color, it's a matter of what is legal. Illegally breaking and entering into your neighbor's home is never okay. If you don't promote legal entry into the United States of Vicente Fox, you might as well open YOUR home to a couple of families who need help. My resources are already spread very, very thin.

You are racist to clump people under one banner and judge them as good or productive. You're just using Hispanics to promote your own agenda. Shame on you.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at May 18, 2006 11:15 PM

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