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May 31, 2006

Rock and roll and politics?

Ted Nugent, interviewed by a Brit journalist who can scarcely conceal his disdain for the gonzo rocker, is simply hilarious.

Nugent's fondness for firearms mystifies the reporter -- who notes that the singer shows up for the interview with a Glock "revolver" tucked into his belt.

In response to a riff on the stupidity of British cops supposedly not carrying guns, the reporter gets in Nugent's face.

"For an unarmed force," I suggest, "the British police have shot quite a few people. Did you hear about Jean Charles de Menezes?"

"That was horrible. An American cop would have just beat the shit out of him."

They have several contentious exchanges, but I particularly like this one.

"What do these deer think when they see you coming?" I ask him. "Here comes the nice guy who puts out our dinner? Or, there's the man that shot my brother?"

"I don't think they're capable of either of those thoughts, you Limey asshole. They're only interested in three things: the best place to eat, having sex and how quickly they can run away. Much like the French."

"You wrote a song called 'Dog Eat Dog'. You see the world like that. But we're not dogs - that's the trouble."

"Remember the movie Old Yeller? Everybody loved him. He brought us our slippers. We gave him cookies. But when Old Yeller gets rabies, you shoot him in the fucking head. It's that simple."

"Just like Saddam Hussein used to be our friend, and the Taliban used to be freedom fighters?"

"Politics, man. I don't have to placate some Arab numb-nut because he holds all our fuel."

Their conversation end on a philosophical note, debating the merits of "peace, love and understanding."

Ted's agin' it.

"When I drove up to the truck stop in Crawford this morning," I tell him, "the CD playing in my car was the Steve Earle live album Just an American Boy [the Texan songwriter's definitive statement against the Iraq war]. When I turned off the ignition, he was just about to go into the encore - his version of Nick Lowe's '(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding'."

"Well Steve Earle, you know... he did a lot of dope."

"But since we're on the subject, what is so funny about peace, love and understanding?"

"You want to know how to get peace, love and understanding?" he replies. "Who doesn't know this? The Ku-Klux-Klan? The Black Panthers? Child rapists? How do you get peace, love and understanding? First of all you have to find all the bad people. Then," Nugent adds, "you kill them."

I can almost see the Brit recoil in disgust.


Posted by Mike Lief at May 31, 2006 09:17 PM | TrackBack


Ted is extreme. I probably wouldn't vote for him but I love his charisma. He's outrageous.

Favorite part of the article:

"I consider myself a true liberal. I am armed in order to stop good people being destroyed by bad people. Liberalism is assisting quality of life, whatever you may choose. [...]

But I'll tell you how I judge people. The people that ran up those burning towers on September 11 were my heroes. And among those warriors who ran back to save their fellow human beings, you know what there were? Homosexuals. Smokers. Drinkers. People I wouldn't agree with on numerous conduct levels. I judge people on this: are they in the asset column, or the liability column?"

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at June 1, 2006 09:17 AM

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