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June 20, 2006

Murtha's shame

Did you catch the Democrat's military expert on Meet the Press? Rep. John Murtha -- whom we're constantly reminded is a veteran, when he's not busy accusing GIs of being war criminals -- was stupendously incoherent on Tim Russert's show. A review of the transcript reveals the emptiness at the center of the Moonbat left's critique of the war: they've no viable alternatives -- just cut and run.

REP. MURTHA: Well, “stay the course” is “stay and pay.” This is the thing that has worried me right along. We’re spending $8 billion dollars a month, $300 million dollars a day. And to give you some perspective of what that means, Gates said, “I’m going to quit the corporation, or I’m going to—less time with the corporation.” Well, you weigh $30 billion dollars. That’s four months of the cost of this war. This port security, if you want to spend more money, it’d would take 47 years the way we’re spending it. Education, the No Child Left Behind, a couple months of the war would pay for that. Whose going to, whose going to pay for this down the road? Our children and grandchildren are paying for this war. And then you have the, the, the emotional strain, the, the, the people who are being hurt.

On the floor the other day, you may have heard this, one fellow says, “We’re fighting this war.” We’re not fighting this war. One percent of the American people, these young men and women are fighting this war, with heavy packs, with 70 pounds of equipment, with helmets on in 130 degrees. That’s who’s fighting this war. And they say “stay the course.” There’s no plan. You open up this plan for victory, there’s no plan there. It’s just “stay the course.” That doesn’t solve any problem.

It’s worse today than it was six months ago when I spoke out initially. When I spoke out, the garbage wasn’t being collected, oil production below pre-war level—all those things indicated to me we weren’t winning this, and it’s the same today, if not worse. Anbar Province. There’s not one project been done in Anbar Province. Two million people live there. They have no water at all, no oil production, they have no electricity at all in that province where is the heartland of the defense. The first six months we went in there, no—there—not a shot was fired, so it shows you how it’s changed.

It’s getting worse. That’s why I feel so strongly. All of us know how important it is internationally to win this war. We know how important. We import 20 million barrels of oil a day—we use 20 million barrels of oil. We know how important, international community. But we’re doing it all ourself, and there’s no plan that makes sense. We need to have more international cooperation. We need to redeploy our troops, the periphery. What happened with Zarqawi could have been done from the out—it was done from the outside. Our planes went in from the outside. So there’s no reason in the world that they can’t redeploy the troops. They’ve become the targets, they’re caught in the civil war, and I feel very strongly about it.

Was that all perfectly clear? And he only gets more disjointed as the interview goes on.

This is the guy the Donks sent out to carry their water on the war, the standard-bearer for the Democratic plan for the Middle East.


Don't take my word for it; watch his appearance. It's worse than you can imagine. There really is no one to challenge the GOP as the party that's serious about national security.

P.S. Murtha's line about basing troops in Okinawa is so retarded as to beggar the imagination. As pointed out by Blackfive, it's 4,200 miles to Baghdad from Okinawa, requiring either permission to overfly the ChiComs or take the loooong way 'round.


Where's the loyal opposition?

Posted by Mike Lief at June 20, 2006 12:38 AM | TrackBack


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