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June 25, 2006

Why do they keep betraying us?

What's behind the latest efforts by the MSM to provide classified data, reveal defense secrets to Al Queda and any other whack jobs interested in killing Americans? The folks at PowerLine offer a possible explanation.

Ace of Spades makes an interesting point about the incessant publication of national security leaks by the New York Times, Washington Post, etc.:

The left continues to undermine national security in the most despicable, cynical way. I'm quite sure the reasonable liberals at the NYT and WaPo know full well that programs like this are absolutely vital, and their secrecy is likewise vital. However, they have made the most anti-American and evil sort of decision: While tools like this are vital for saving American lives, they will not permit any Republican President to use them. Only Democratic Presidents are permitted to employ the full panoply of powers for protecting American lives.

It's blackmail, pure and simple. Either let a Democrat into the White House, or we will continue to sabotage American security and, in effect, kill Americans. We will keep secrets when a Democrat is in office, but not a Republican. So we offer the American people a choice: Let the politicians we favor run the country, or we will help Al Qaeda murder you.

I think this is actually the subtext not only of the leaks, but of a lot of news coverage. If you don't want news coverage that constantly deprecates the economy, for example, and thereby undermines consumer confidence, the solution is simple: elect Democrats.

Seems as reasonable an explanation as anything else I've heard, and it's certainly more plausible than any drivel about the press being concerned with our freedoms -- the freedom to be free from homicidal moonbat muslims not foremost amongst them.

Posted by Mike Lief at June 25, 2006 12:05 AM | TrackBack


What an explanation. Pretty accurate.

It's funny because political motives really are the foundation of what's in motion. Yet, i'd like to see coverage without the mention of the left. It gives cause to those against the war to support Keller as well as the LAT.

If the story concentrates on the undermining of Americans (and abuse of right to print), then we're sticking with the issue at hand. Which is, putting us all in jeopardy while aiding terrorist cells.

But how can the story exist without the partisan divisions ... Americans and soldiers at the expense of the left. Scary times we're in. The left is drunk with the sound of its own voice.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at June 26, 2006 11:24 AM

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