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July 06, 2006

But, y'know, I feel gasoline is bad for children and whales

Donald Sensing had a great post yesterday highlighting the shortcomings of alternative fuel sources.

In today's post, he sums up why a favorite fuel touted by the tree huggers is a non-starter.

[T]o make enough hydrogen to replace all the gasoline used by motor vehicles in the US, you’d need to produce 1.16 trillion kilowatt-hours of electrcity. That happens to be almost exactly “twice the energy actually consumed in 2000 with gasoline.” ... [I]f we we had been driving hydrogen cars all along, we’d be frantically trying to invent the gasoline engine.

But then again, what chance does logic have against feelings?

Posted by Mike Lief at July 6, 2006 11:35 PM | TrackBack


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