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July 10, 2006

Be careful what you wish for

When Tom "The Hammer" DeLay left Congress, triumphant Democrats filed a lawsuit to keep his name on the ballot, figuring that the so-called scandal would taint any other Republicans on the ticket -- and prevent any other candidate for the seat appearing for the GOP, meaning that the Dems could win the seat without any campaigning, or money.

A federal court has backed their play, ruling that DeLay's name will stay on the ballot, which means the Texas Democrats are happy, right? I suppose, except that DeLay says if his name is on the ballot, then he's going to run hell-bent-for-leather to win the election.


Captain Ed has the details.

Posted by Mike Lief at July 10, 2006 10:49 AM | TrackBack


Poor Dems -- the campaign commercials will likely be real bruisers.

Between the Bill Keller fiasco and now this, it's as though they're trying to hand over the elections to any semi-coherent Republican. Very weird.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at July 10, 2006 05:32 PM

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