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August 03, 2006

U.N.-wanted, U.N.-loved and U.N.-needed

Martin Peretz, the leftist publisher of The New Republic, has been blogging on his magazine's website. Despite his lefty street cred, he's moved to the right -- or at least to the side of profound skepticism -- when it comes to the United Nations.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has demanded that the United Kingdom and the United States be kicked off the U.N. Security Council.

I want the U.N. to go to Lagos, where no one would go. Fini! The end of the bullshit, and no more Kofi Annan.

The United Nations survives only because of big city New York, where hosts and hostesses still imagine it's a catch to have an ambassador from a foreign country to dinner. Provincial New Yorkers.

Peretz notes in a later post that the U.N. has been not only ineffective in its role as a "peacekeeping" force in Lebanon, but has actually made the situation worse.

Everybody is for putting an armed force with "robust" instructions into Lebanon. But nobody really wants to send troops that might--just might--be willing and able to disarm Hezbollah. So what is the deus ex machina?

The United Nations, of course. Not even NATO or European powers. And not even a new U.N. force. But UNIFIL, the "interim" force that has been in Lebanon since 1978.

Not only has it failed to achieve any of its purposes, this is a U.N. operation with almost 2,500 personnel--nearly 2,000 of them armed--that has exacerbated the situation on the ground.

There is no record of it having even alerted the secretary-general that southern Lebanon had become over the last six years an armed Hezbollah front deep into the country. As for fulfilling its purposes according to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1559, it accomplished less than zilch.

I couldn't agree more; whatever promise the U.N. once had -- and I remember my semester there fondly -- the organization has been fatally compromised through the membership of brutal, repressive regimes with full voting rights, kleptocracies and thugocracies outnumbering Western democracies by a ratio of at least 10-1.

U.N. peacekeepers don't keep the peace; they're more likely to step aside and allow the slaughter of unarmed civilians, intervening only to cherry-pick the women and children they'd like to rape, as the Armani-clad U.N. functionaries in the Secretariat park their bribes in off-shore accounts.

The sooner the U.N. is kicked out of the U.S., the better off we'll be. In twenty years I've yet to hear a single argument -- not just an unconvincing one, but any argument -- why the U.N. ought to remain in Turtle Bay.


Posted by Mike Lief at August 3, 2006 11:50 AM | TrackBack


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