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August 08, 2006

Unpleasant truths

Ben Stein offers some unpleasant truths about Israel's enemies, and the disproportionate toll being inflicted on the Jewish populace.

When the Israelis capture Arabs in their wars, the captured Arabs are well fed, well housed, and eventually returned to their homes. When the Arabs (specifically the Syrians) have captured Israelis, they castrate them, cut off their male organs, decapitate the Israelis, and stuff their male organs in their mouths and leave the bodies on the field. Sometimes they also defecate on the bodies.

Israel has a population of about six million Jews. If a rocket hits a group of Israelis who are lying in the sun and kills 12 of them, that is the equivalent of the United States losing 600 men in one rocket attack. If nine Israeli civilians are killed in a rocket attack on a Haifa repair shop, that is the equivalent of the USA losing 540 civilians in one swoop.

The Israelis aren't fighting for land; they're fighting for their survival.

Posted by Mike Lief at August 8, 2006 08:48 PM | TrackBack


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