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September 08, 2006

Cindy Sheehan wants to kill a baby


I just heard on Special Report with Brit Hume that Cindy Sheehan has admitted fantasizing about going back in time and killing the infant George Bush.

What's fascinating -- apart from the fact that she's barking-at-the-moon insane -- is her cowardice. In the fevered depths of her pea brain, she could dream of hunting the once-and-future leader while he attended college, or while he was a dissolute partying fool in his thirties.

But no, she'd prefer to commit infanticide.

Let's be clear, Cindy Sheehan dreams of murdering an infant, the worst of all possible homicides, the most powerless of all victims. Perhaps the only thing worse than a child molester is a woman, so devoid of empathy that she would contemplate taking an infant's life.

Sounds like a sociopath to me.

What a disgusting creature Sheehan is, clearly in need of immediate institutionalization.

And how telling that her perverse fantasy is not immediately condemned from all points of the political spectrum.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 8, 2006 09:37 PM | TrackBack


Didn't O.J. also tell the prosecution he also 'dreamt' of killing Nichole? How unbelievably sinister this psychopath, Sheehan, is. Your last sentence is a muted roar concerning the political party and the people who support this woman. I'm sure Chavez, her new butt buddy, is hailing her as a hero in Venezuela.

She is a disgrace as a homeo sapien, a disgrace to her son (the second most famous Sheehan), and should be standing in front of a firing squad instead of being a spokesperson for the anti-war left.

Posted by: Trickish Knave at September 10, 2006 11:59 AM

You are being rough. She's a mother who lost a son. Yes, she's going a bit overboard...but have you lost a son? Mine is 16 and I shudder to think that he will have to serve in this war. 18 isn't far off, nor is the draft. To be respectful of the positions that this situation has brought about is perhaps the one thing that will rectify it. The unity that we create by being solid in our choices, forward in our thinking, and completely unified as a country is what will bring resolution.

By being unified I do not begin to assert that we think alike. But can we not create a world where we agree that people in their 20's shouldn't die? Ya, ya, ya, it's a good thing to die for your country...but it's a much better thing to live for it.

Posted by: Dawn at September 10, 2006 07:32 PM

There is NO draft. Only the Democrats have proposed a draft. The Republicans and the majority of people don't want a draft. Enlistment quotas are getting filled with a volunteer military. A volunteer military is much better than a conscripted one.

I understand you love your son and that is wonderful. I wish him a long and happy life.

It is unfortunate that sometimes we cannot appease evil. Sometimes appeasing evil only leads to more horrible concequences down the road. (more death and destruction of innocents) It is not something any one wants, but sometimes we have to make the very difficult choice and go to war. Yes, war is hell.

Posted by: jim at September 12, 2006 09:39 AM

Losing a child does not excuse Sheehan's comment. Any sane person who knows the pain of losing a child would not wish that pain on anyone. Sheehan is hateful and there is nothing to respect about that.

Posted by: Red Girl in a Blue State at September 12, 2006 02:06 PM

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