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September 18, 2006

Tired of the Moonbats dissing the GIs

Finally fed up with the "rude and disrespectful treatment of our soldiers," Citizen Smash goes to the Walter Reed Army Hospital and has someting to say to the Code Pink protestors.

"Good evening."

Several of them turn around. One man starts to approach me. Then he sees [Major] Pain, and has second thoughts.

"You know, for the past few weeks, I've come down here, and listened politely and respectfully to any of you who would talk to me.

"Tonight, you're going to listen to me.

"The military is my family. My grandfather and great uncles served in the World Wars. My father served as a physician for over thirty years. My older brother served in peacetime. And my younger brother and I are both veterans of the Iraq War.

"I was born in a hospital not unlike this one right here. And I swore an oath to fight, and if necessary die, to defend your right to stand here and protest the war I served in. I'm not here to tell you, or to try to change your mind about that war. But I am here to ask for a little respect for me and my family.

"Last week, Bruce asked me to leave. He told me that you're here to support the soldiers, not to do interviews. He told me I wasn't welcome.

"Not long after that, a couple of men who I am proud to call my brothers -- who I had never met before -- a couple of wounded soldiers from this hospital came down to talk to you. They wanted to understand why you're here.

"You did not treat my brothers with respect. You refused to acknowledge them, like you're refusing to acknowledge me. You mocked their southern accents. You literally turned your backs on them, like you're turning your backs on me tonight.

"You should be ashamed of the way you treated those soldiers. Ashamed! If that is what you think supporting the troops means -- turn your backs on them when they come to talk to you -- then you are either a fool, a coward, or a hypocrite. I leave it to each of you to decide which word fits you best.

"The charade is over. We all know that you do not support the troops. If you did, you wouldn't turn your backs on them. You disrespected my brothers, on our front porch. So let me be absolutely clear: You may have a slip of paper from the City of Washington recognizing your right to stand here, but you are not welcome here.

"I want you to think about what I've said. Your vigil here does not support the troops. It does not comfort them in any way. It only aggravates them. When you go home tonight, reflect on the pain that you have caused. And if you have a shred -- an ounce -- of human decency, don't come back.

"Goodnight, ladies."

Smash has a great blog; cruise on over and check out the rest.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 18, 2006 07:54 AM | TrackBack


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