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September 19, 2006

Worst political ad ever

The California Democrats are just pathetic, and their contempt for the electorate is boundless.

I just saw an ad for the upcoming Gubernatorial contest, in which the incumbent is being challenged by the feeble Phil Angelides.

Never heard of this Democratic hack? Imagine Don Knotts minus the charisma and machismo, then imagine his sister. That's Angelides.

Anyhow, the entire ad is based on identifying the governor with the presumably toxic Pres. Bush. Lifting footage from the GOP convention, we hear Schwarzenegger introducing "George W. Bush!"

Then a graphics overlay tells us that there are more than 150,000 troops in Iraq.

We hear Arnold say, "George W. Bush!"

Another subtitle tells us energy costs are up, then we hear the governor's voice.

"George W. Bush!"

Yet another tells me that the GOP hates puppies and baby seals -- or something.

"George W. Bush!"

Here comes the payoff, where they sell the ad. In ominous, voice-of-doom tones, the announcer speaks.

"Arnold Schwarzenegger is for George W. Bush.

"Is he the right governor for you?"

That's it? We're supposed to reject Arnold because he supported Pres. Bush?

Did we hear anything about the governor being responsible for any of these allegedly bad things?

Did we hear anything about the governor's record?

Did we hear anything about what the Democrats are going to do differently?

Did we even hear a single word about the Democratic candidate for governor?

Eh, no.

Pa. The. Tic.

I thought the Democrats were against the concept of guilt by association.

Oh, right. Only when it's a liberal who's being tarred for the actions of others.

Did I say the Democratic Party is a dessicated husk of a political organization, bereft of ideas, fat, bloated and gasping, like the captain of the Chappaquiddick Swim Club?

"Don't vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger for governor, because he likes Pres. Bush, and we really, really hate Chimpy McBushitler."

Keep up the good work, guys. You are secretly working for Karl Rove, right?

Posted by Mike Lief at September 19, 2006 12:09 AM | TrackBack


It is pretty pathetic. They are preying on the Bush haters, the people who are against Bush at any cost, for any reason. There are very few people in the world that do everything wrong. So the claim that President Bush is doing everything wrong is just silly and belies their prejudices.

Posted by: jim at September 19, 2006 10:18 AM

I believe you now when you say you don't watch much TV. REAL MEN ON COUCHES have been exposed to this pathetic drivel for over a month already.

Posted by: The Little Coach at September 19, 2006 04:04 PM

I'm Daffy Duck and I approved this message. Vote for me!

Posted by: Daffy Duck at September 19, 2006 09:00 PM

This idiom of a commercial reminds me of a South Park episode:

Announcer: We now return to the 42nd Annual Nobel Prize Awards. Here again your host, Whoopi Goldberg.

[the audience applauds]

Whoopi: [In elaborate dress and geisha hairdo] Republicans are so stupid.

[the crowd laughs]

I hate Republicans.

[the audience laughs]

Republicans are so stupid.

[the audience laughs]

And now, here to present the Nobel Prize for Science is Nick Nolte

Posted by: Trickish Knave at September 21, 2006 11:57 AM

"Never heard of this Democratic hack? Imagine Don Knotts minus the charisma and machismo, then imagine his sister. That's Angelides."

That's ripe. Love it. It's still hard to believe that Nancy Pelosi called Hugo Chavez a thug. Maybe there's hope.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at September 21, 2006 05:09 PM

Trickish Knave. That is funny, perfect skit material!

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at September 21, 2006 06:44 PM

Vermont Neighbor --

Thanks! I'm particularly proud of that turn of phrase; pass it on to your California compadres.

Posted by: Mike Lief at September 21, 2006 07:08 PM

TK --

Funny -- and not outside the realm of the possible. Didja hear Danny Glover (who used to be an actor) was arm-in-arm with Chavez?

The last actor/celeb I can remember from the Golden Age of Hollywood who cavorted with thugs and murderers was Errol Flynn, and that was a rumored connection to the Nazis. Oh, and Charles Lindberg, too. But Lucky Lindy decided his loyalties lay with the Allies and flew combat missions against the Japanese -- as a civilian -- when a vengeful FDR wouldn't allow him to serve in the military once the shooting started.

Can you imagine the uproar if Glover had been pictured buddying-up to Pres. Bush?


Posted by: Mike Lief at September 21, 2006 07:13 PM

Danny Glover was the personal crisis escort for Cynthia McKinney!

Good Hollywood stuff, I never heard that about Errol Flynn. Imagine if one of the Chicks grew balls and wanted to serve, and Bush vetoed the idea to protect the troops.
Aw hell, they could just report for CNN or the LA Times.

Posted by: Vermont Neighbor at September 26, 2006 03:16 PM

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