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September 25, 2006

Wanna face Mecca for all eternity? Too bad

The fellow who blogs at the wonderfully-named Drinking From Home has a post that made me reach for the Scotch, another example of the creeping dhimmitude spreading throughout the West.

In this instance, the Nottingham City Council has decided to appease, even when local Muslims say the latest toadying is not necessary, if other faiths don't want it.

A multi-faith cemetery will have all its graves aligned with Mecca, despite Christian burials traditionally facing east...

Ancient tradition shows they should look east in anticipation of the second coming of Jesus Christ.

But all headstones at the new £2.5m High Wood Cemetery in Bulwell will be plotted to face north-east, in line with Islamic faith...

Raza Ul Haq, Imam at the Madni Masjid Mosque, in Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, said: "It is part of our religion for dead bodies to face Mecca. It is very important.

"If for the Christians, this is part of their religion that they should be facing towards somewhere else, then we are 200% in support of them. It is our job to help and support them. If that is their requirement, then we will be supporting the Christians."

Steve Dowling, services director for Environment and Public Protection, said many graves in Nottingham often do not follow the tradition of facing east.

He said: "High Wood is a large and beautiful site with room to meet everyone's needs.

"In the first phase of development it has been agreed that the graves will face north east.

"For people of the Muslim faith this fits in with a religious requirement, but it will also ensure a tidy appearance for the site as a whole.

Interesting, isn't it? If a tidy appearance is the goal, and the U.K. is 70 percent Christian, might it not make sense to orient the graves in a manner consistent with the customs and practices of, hmmmm, somebody other than the Mohammedeans?

I guess neatness -- and avoiding the unpleasantness associated with standing up for Western cultural values -- is what's really important in Old Blighty.

Winston Churchill must be spinning.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 25, 2006 07:41 AM | TrackBack


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