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September 27, 2006

Overwrought bilge from the newspaper of record's reporter of record

Linda Greenhouse, the New York Times go-to-gal when it comes to reporting on the U.S. Supreme Court, recently opened up and shared with us about her thoughts on our society on -- where else? -- Hahvahd.

Greenhouse, a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who covers the Supreme Court for The New York Times, reminisced a bit about the 1960s idealism that defined her college years, and told an audience of 800 she had wept at a Simon and Garfunkel concert when she was struck by the unfulfilled promise of her own generation.

Greenhouse went on to charge that since then, the U.S. government had "turned its energy and attention away from upholding the rule of law and toward creating law-free zones at Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, Haditha and other places around the world — [such as] the U.S. Congress." She also observed a "sustained assault on women's reproductive freedom and the hijacking of public policy by religious fundamentalism. To say that these last few years have been dispiriting is an understatement."


To paraphrase Greenhouse, to say that the press is filled with overwrought, feverswamp, moonbat lefties is an understatement.

Bias? More like toxic shock.

Posted by Mike Lief at September 27, 2006 07:36 AM | TrackBack


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