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October 03, 2006

Sounds like must-see TV

There's a new series premiering tonight on NBC, and it sounds like a winner, if the rave review from the N.Y. Times is accurate.

Lord, is “Friday Night Lights” good. In fact, if the season is anything like the pilot, this new drama about high school football could be great — and not just television great, but great in the way of a poem or painting, great in the way of art with a single obsessive creator who doesn’t have to consult with a committee and has months or years to go back and agonize over line breaks and the color red; it could belong in a league with art that doesn’t have to pause for commercials, or casually recap the post-commercial action, or sell viewers on the plot and characters in the first five minutes, or hew to a line-item budget, or answer to unions and studios, or avoid four-letter words and nudity.


“Friday Night Lights” is a wonder. It’s a big drama, and even seasoned pilot skeptics — and their bookies, who rank shows based on the odds they’ll be canceled — will have a hard time not getting choked up at tonight’s episode. At this rate, “Friday Night Lights” might just bring old NBC the state championship. It’s been a long time.

I'll give it a try -- at least for the first couple of episodes -- despite my fundamental belief that baseball is a much more interesting sport.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 3, 2006 12:05 AM | TrackBack


I saw the movie and what struck me was how obsessed the school was with football and how little the town cared for academics. Yes, sports are important; they help engender team work, strategy, health and so forth. But there seemed to be a lack of balance between sports and academics.

Posted by: jim at October 3, 2006 09:28 AM

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