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October 03, 2006

Remembering our heroes

A comment on a previous post making no distinction between a killer and his victims made me realize that I hadn't done enough to pay tribute to those victims, murdered during a routine traffic stop.

So I'd like to remind everyone that the Florida Polk County Sheriff's Office and law enforcement families across the nation will have a chance to farewell to Deputy Vernon Matthew Williams today at 1 p.m. at Victory Church, 1401 Griffin Road, in Lakeland.

The slain cop will be interred at Auburndale Memorial Cemetery, and his canine partner, Diogi, will be cremated, his remains buried with Deputy Williams.

If you have a moment at 1 p.m. today, put aside the daily grind for a moment and think about the brave men and women (and dogs) who risk their lives every day to keep us safe, and say a prayer for them -- and for Matt and his partner.

For those of you who'd like to help his family through this awful time, checks made out to The Matt Williams Family Trust Fund should be mailed to:

Wachovia Bank
c/o Marilyn Watson
203 Avenue A
Winter Haven, FL 33881

I'd like to think that Matt Williams and Diogi will long be remembered for their bravery and sacrifice.

And I take some small satisfaction in knowing that the thug who took their lives will be reviled -- and then forgotten -- his very existence erased, but for the terrible impact he had on the friends and family of Matt Williams and Diogi.

Rest in peace.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 3, 2006 05:28 AM | TrackBack


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