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October 09, 2006

Save the world! Obey Al Gore!

Just saw Al Gore on TV, pimping for California's Prop. 87, a tax on oil producers that will help bunnies and whales and, if that's not enough, it'll save the world FOR THE CHILDREN!

Putting aside the fact that taxing oil does nothing to save the environment, protect us from the depradations of OPEC oil sheiks, or bring back Puff the Magic Dragon, there's always the painful truth that higher taxes hurt us, the consumers, and no scheme devised by man will ever keep a corporate tax from eventually being passed on to the customer through the magic of higher retail prices -- hence the stupidity of taxing businesses.

All that being said, it's great seeing Al taking to the airwaves, flacking for the latest cause to garner the support of the liberal elites. I can't think of a better spokesman to motivate conservatives to turn out and vote against any ballot initiative than Gore.

Mark my words: Prop. 87 goes down in flames. You can put that in your lock-box.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 9, 2006 11:09 PM | TrackBack


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