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October 12, 2006

The eternal teenager


What's the deal with Steven Spielberg? He's attending the premiere of Clint Eastwood's new film about the Marines who raised the flag on Iwo Jima, Flags Of Our Fathers, and the movie mogul walks the red carpet looking like he just came from directing a garage sale.

I understand that Spielberg has more F.U. money than everyone other than George Lucas, but would it kill him to show a little respect for his fellow director -- not to mention the Marines who are the subject of the flick?

There's something about a grown man wearing a baseball cap in public that screams "eternal teen."

And next to the still virile Eastwood, looking classy in his suit, Spielberg looks more than ever like an adolescent imitation of a real man.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 12, 2006 07:47 PM | TrackBack


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