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October 16, 2006

Imagine Don Knotts, minus the charisma; then imagine his sister

Phil Angiledes has been whining up a storm -- and a political backer has filed a protest with the Federal Communications Commission demanding he be given equal time on The Tonight Show -- after Jay Leno had Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger on as a guest.

"Why should I care?" you ask, "and who the hell is Filbert Angeles?"

Exactly. Californians don't care about the Democratic candidate for governor; why would Leno want to subject his national audience to the charisma black hole that is known as Philomena Albertez.

The about-to-be-trounced candidate claims that the Fairness Doctrine requires that NBC give him equal airtime, to compensate for the "gift" given to the governor when he was invited to be a guest on Leno's show.

So, if a prominent politician appears on TV, are all the candidates running against him entitled to airtime? From every political party?

A ludicrous proposition, and a pathetic, crybaby move by the would-be chief executive of the Sunshine State.

"Phil who?"


What a maroon.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 16, 2006 06:06 PM | TrackBack


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