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October 19, 2006

Unintended irony alert

I'm sitting on the couch, TV on in the background, when I see an ad that captures my attention. Two puppeteers are entertaining children with an elaborate show, marionettes on horses, hacking at each other with swords.

One puppet looks like Don Quixote, and the colors of the sets and characters are vibrant, like something out of the Italian Renaissance.

Suddenly, things take an unexpected -- and fantastical turn.

The lanky knight cuts his own strings, and as the puppeteers look on in consternation, the rider and his wooden horse leap from the stage, flying over the heads of the watching children. He then gallops down the aisle, sword waving over his head, pausing in the door for his steed to rear up and paw at the sky.

Then, the point of the whole exercise. On a white background, words appear:

Be more independent. PBS.

Which is just hilarious. It's easy to be "independent" when you're living off the public teat. So I guess the message is, figger out a way to get your neighbors to finance your dreams, 'cause it beats paying for it yourself. Because the key to independence is dependence on other people's money.

Just like PBS.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 19, 2006 06:58 PM | TrackBack


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