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October 31, 2006

He said what?


“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

So said Jean Kerry at a rally for Phil Angelides yesterday. "Phil who?" you ask. Forget him -- the rest of us have. Let's talk about Kerry, who continues to prove once again how blessed we are that he's not the Commander in Chief.

Is there anything more repugnant than a politician warning young Americans that only uneducated, stupid rubes wear the uniform of the United States military? Can you imagine the venal, moral emptiness at the core of a man who claims that defending America is a job of last resort, only for those with no other choices?

I find myself outraged -- again! -- by the belief amongst the Liberals that people who serve in the military are doing so only because they cannot overcome the keep-'em-down tactics used by The Man to suppress, repress and oppress the unwashed working-class masses. What contempt they have for them, for me, and for vets like my father.

I read a quote this weekend from a gay Dutch artist, who was lamenting the decline of Western Europe as it is absorbed into Eurabia. He said, "I never though about defending the West's freedoms. I never knew how to defend them; I only knew how to enjoy them."

Those very freedoms are defended by American troops who volunteer to put themselves in harm's way, to use their very lives in defense of this nation -- and the ungrateful poltroons who demean their service, simpering fools like the junior senator from Massachusetts.

The reaction to Kerry's slander against the troops is growing, and well deserved. Michelle Malkin has a thorough roundup here and a follow-up here, with links to the video of Kerry's speech, as well as some responses from the troops and their families.

Hugh Hewitt has been saying that it doesn't matter who the individual candidate is, a vote for a democrat is a vote for Speak Pelosi, Chairman Kennedy, and, of course, Chairman Kerry. Whatever the failings of the GOP-run Congress -- and they're many -- these are dangerous times.

Too dangerous to turn over the legislative branch to feckless crapweasels like Jean Kerry.

Posted by Mike Lief at October 31, 2006 07:35 AM | TrackBack


Kerry sickens me. He has no concept of service. He should quit politics now and rest on his wife's laurels.

Posted by: jim at October 31, 2006 12:52 PM

I live in an area where our local Congressional race is going to be close. I actually considered voting Democrat for the first time just because I'm pissed about federal spending. What in the hell was I thinking? Mr. Kerry just kicked me in the balls and woke me the F*** up. I know I would have never pulled the trigger for a Democrat but I'm ticked at myself for even considering it.

When I think of Kerry, like many of his other America-hating colleagues in the Democratic party, I wonder if he has ever given a thought to brave Americans like First Lt. Benjamin T. Britt of Wheeler Texas who was killed December 2005 in Iraq. A graduate of West Point, Britt was the valedectorian of his high school class. Killed by an IED, Britt was the best that this country has to offer. Smart, patriotic, willing to give all for his country. RIP LT.

I've got some serious rage roiling in my blood right now based on what Kerry said. I'm going to hold it back and just let it soak in. Kerry, your brain, your patriotism, your love of country is FUBAR.

Posted by: Mark aka "Ace" at October 31, 2006 06:27 PM

Kerry the contemptuous crap-weasel. A medal-hunting, self-glorifying, elitist, ego-centric people-hater. As undeserving of public attention as Anna Nicole Smith or France.

How could the citizens of a state that has sent so many great men to lead the country in the past, foist this plasticized America-phobe on us in company with The Keg and Bad Barney?

I tell you, the Apocalypse draws near.

Posted by: The Little Coach at November 1, 2006 08:07 AM

Little Coach --

Well said.

Mark --

Glad to see you're back on board when it comes time to cast your ballot. Kerry, the gift that keeps on giving.

Posted by: Mike Lief at November 1, 2006 08:27 AM

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