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November 07, 2006

Praying on election day


Bogie offered a prayer to the palindromatic dog god, promising to donate his favorite boney-bone to charity if only the Democrats failed to win control of Congress.

I've got no chew toys to offer up; all I can do is urge you to get off your keester and vote, dammit! It doesn't matter who the candidate is; a vote for a Donk is a vote for Pelosi, Kennedy, Kerry and Rangel leading Congress while our enemies redouble their efforts to destroy us.

And if that's not enough, Democratic control of the Senate means more federal judges finding new constitutional protections for terrorists.

Look, the GOP has been a disappointment in many respects, but when it comes to defending the nation from terrorists -- if not illegal aliens -- they're the only game in town.

Posted by Mike Lief at November 7, 2006 12:41 AM | TrackBack


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