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December 05, 2006

Selfish parents try for kids with genetic defects

Didja hear about the parents who want their kids to be born with genetic abnormalities?

[A] coming article in the journal Fertility and Sterility offers a fascinating glimpse into how far some parents may go to ensure that their children stay in their world — by intentionally choosing malfunctioning genes that produce disabilities like deafness or dwarfism.

In other words, some parents had the painful and expensive fertility procedure for the express purpose of having children with a defective gene. It turns out that some mothers and fathers don’t view certain genetic conditions as disabilities but as a way to enter into a rich, shared culture.

Yeah, engaging in some sort of reverse eugenics is a sure-fire way to find a nurturing community for your children, seeing as how you've already denied them a shot at winning the genetic lottery. Who wants their children to enjoy seeing the world, when the blind can be part of a close-knit group with hyper-developed hearing and a keen sense of smell? Why have normal kids when you can raise bipedal bloodhounds?

Or how 'bout populating your very own Munchkinland?

Mary Ellen Little, a New Jersey nurse with dwarfism, had her first daughter before a prenatal test for achondroplasia was available. For her second child, she had amniocentesis. “I prayed for a little one,” meaning a dwarf, she told me.

The wait, she recalled, was grueling, since “I figured I couldn’t be blessed twice, but I was.” Both her daughters, now 11 and 7, are “little people.”

The major barrier to Ms. Little’s simply choosing her children’s height is ease. To her, P.G.D. to select for dwarfism is too invasive; however, if having dwarf children were simply a matter of trying to conceive at a certain time of the month or taking a pill, she said, “I would do that.”

In the interest of fairness -- and not wanting this Little broad to feel like she's getting special treatment -- I think she ought to get her pint-sized ass kicked from one side of her very small house to the other for making her kid's lives more difficult than they had to be; life was going to be tough enough for normal-sized kids with an insane, selfish moonbat mother.

This is simply the latest manifesitation of the rot at the core of modern society. It goes hand in hand with the inability of multi-culti relativists to pronounce anything better or worse — only different.

It’s like deaf activists opposing cochlear implants for children, because to give them the gift of hearing implies that being deaf is in some way a handicap.

Well, read my lips: Duh.

Can you imagine denying your child the opportunity to hear music? To thrill to Kenneth Branagh’s St. Crispin’s Day speech from Henry V?

Not yet being a parent, I’d like to think that I’d want my children to be better than me, to enjoy more opportunities; therefore I’d never do anything to ensure that they’d have some disabilities that would make life more difficult for them.

And, yeah, I said “disabilities,” ’cause midgets and the deaf and blind aren’t “differently abled,” they’re at a significant disadvantage when compared to those without handicaps.

If I had a way to guarantee that my kids were short and stocky, with no athletic ability, poor vision and prone to hypertension, would I choose those characteristics so they'd be just like Dad, so we'd have something in common?

Only a narcissistic moron would think twice about doing that to their kids.

Or a dwarf named Little.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 5, 2006 11:11 PM | TrackBack


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