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December 15, 2006

Vienna is for idiots

In an effort to prove that the United States is not a world leader in all arenas, the Austrian city of Vienna proudly proclaims its primacy as an international leader in moonbat political correctness.

A green exit sign shows a woman, rather than a man, running for the door, while a traffic light features another crossing the street in a new initiative by the City of Vienna to raise awareness about gender equality.

The campaign, launched on Thursday and entitled "Wien sieht's anders" (Vienna sees it differently) is part of the City's "Gender Mainstreaming" project.

Its aim is to "give both genders the same exposure and ensure an equal distribution of chances, opportunities and duties" by changing the gender of figures pictured on familiar signs, City Hall said in a statement.


"Because it clashes with fixed visual habits, the campaign compels (people) to think, look and act differently," Sonja Wehsely, city councillor in charge of women's affairs, said in the statement.

Thus, signs using male characters will have their female equivalent, while the opposite will also be true.

Female exit signs and pictograms in bathrooms featuring a man, rather than a woman, changing a baby, will be introduced at City Hall to start with, the statement said.


Seats reserved for the elderly and pregnant women on Vienna's buses and trams will soon also picture a man carrying a child on his lap.

A roadworks sign picturing a woman in a skirt digging into a pile of dirt and used on a campaign poster will not see the light of day however because of traffic regulations.

If there's a story that better captures the inane, insane obsession with changing things that don't matter in the pursuit of some bizarre notion of "equality," will someone please point it out to me?

Take a look at the international symbols for men and women.

Vienna signs.jpg

The figure on the right looks pretty generic to me. It could be Martina Navratilova or George Clooney, for all I know.

Two arms, two legs, one head, no visible genitalia or outsized breasts; I can't tell if it's a man or a woman. It's only because the one next to it has a dress and Leo DiCaprio-narrow shoulders that I know it's supposed to be a woman.

So, tell me, who's reading too much into that universal figure on the right?

What's (unintentionally) high-larious about the program are the ever-so-retro stylistic touches that ought to be driving feminists insane: boots, purses and dresses on the girl lady female womyn icons.

And who really believes this Viennese folly will accomplish anything, other than prove once again that the Western liberal intelligentsia will sip its chardonnay and debate the most innocuous of gender issues, as Muslim jihadis stone rape victims and demand the imposition of sharia law in their portions of Eurabia.

The West is doomed, I tell you, doomed.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 15, 2006 05:16 PM | TrackBack


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