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December 24, 2006

Carter scares former fan

America's worst ex-president -- and worst president, too! -- has lost yet another long-time admirer, thanks to his growing ... distaste for those damnable Jews Israelis.

For me, it means the loss of one of my greatest heroes. I have never allowed a snide remark about Jimmy Carter's "failed" presidency to pass without contradicting it. I have said countless times that he is the greatest former president, setting a new standard for that role.

I don't recognize Carter any more. I am afraid of him now, for myself and for my children. He has not just turned his back on the balance and fairness that all peacemaking depends on. He has become a spokesman for the enemies of my people. He has become an apologist for terrorists.


He has said or hinted repeatedly that Jews control the Congress and the media, a classic anti-Semitic slur. It seems that Cuban-Americans can speak up on Cuba, Irish-Americans can support the IRA, Mexican-Americans can lobby on immigration law, but when Jewish-Americans speak our minds about Israel, we don't deserve the same constitutional protections and a former president can try to silence us.

Carter has changed. Something has happened to his judgment. I don't understand what it is, but I know it is very dangerous. At a minimum, his legacy is irrevocably tarnished, and he will never again be a factor in the quest for Middle East peace. At worst, he is emboldening terrorists and their apologists in the Arab world, encouraging them to go on with their terror campaign and refuse even to recognize Israel's right to just exist.

That Jimmah, toadying sycophant to and voluptuary of human-rights denying dictators and totalitarians, remains popular with members of the American Jewish community -- including members of my own family -- can only be attributed to an appalling ignorance of what the man is actually saying.

The alternative explanation for the continued popularity of St. Jimmah is a deeply unsettling need amongst liberal Jews to deny the reality of the increasing strain of anti-semitism in mainstream "liberalism" and growing portions of the Democratic Party; this ugly, hateful and deeply stupid obsession with the power and influence of the Eternal Yid is simply incomprehensible to Jews who have historically allied themselves with the Left in post-Depression America.

The only possible reaction, short of admitting that their sociopolitical compatriots are willing to accept them only if they reject their Jewish culture and identity (and support for Israel), is to deny the existence of the anti-semitic aspect of modern liberal politics, dismissing the critics as mere shills for the dreaded "Christianist" VRWC (Vast Right Wing Conspiracy).

Therefore, it's fascinating to see increasing numbers of dedicated, life-long liberals and Carter intimates publicly disavowing their fealty to the embittered ex-president, men like Kenneth Stein, who served for more than 20 years at the Carter Center at Emory University -- as well as 10 years as the first Executive Director, before severing his ties to Jimmah in a public letter of resignation.

One has to wonder if time, age, and possibly illness have served to loosen the ties that kept his pious, grinning, public mask in place, revealing the true nature of the man -- and his obsession with the Jews and their nation.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 24, 2006 09:43 AM | TrackBack


Carter's approach to the Middle East problem is emblematic of the weakness he has always shown as a man. Looking a resolute Islamist enemy in the face, Carter winces, looks inward and seeks a position of compromise in his own moral framework to bridge the gap. Modern liberalism is an expression of cowardice, the constant search for an intellectual and safe retreat from the reality of the human struggle.

The Phillistines are at the gates. They hunger for the blood of the innocent. Their depraved hearts are filled with the blood lust of an ancient religion that harbors no mercy for the outsider. A coward like Carter cannot allow himself to see that in defense of life, limb and liberty, the Israeli has the inherent right to wield the sword in self defense.

Posted by: Zeb at December 25, 2006 08:09 AM

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