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December 29, 2006

Well, this is good news!

Saddam to swing soon.jpg

Good thing the tyrannical, mass-murdering, barbaric ex-dictator isn't in within the purview of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals -- although that fact isn't stopping his supporters from trying to get the U.S. courts involved.

For Pete's sake, can you believe it? It's no exaggeration to say that if today's muddle-headed human rights fetishists were transported back to 1946, they'd be arguing on behalf of the Nazi hierarchy to save the architects of the Holocaust from the hangman.

And, given that Saddam Hussein was the Grand Poobah of his thugocracy, it's analogous to Hitler having been captured and these bozos trying to save him, too.

Nota Bene: I realized too late that calling these morons "bozos" is an insult to clowns the world over. Sorry, Bozo.

Posted by Mike Lief at December 29, 2006 02:28 PM | TrackBack


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