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January 07, 2007

In case of emergency, plan ahead

Kim Du Toit has a fascinating account from a reader about what happens when you tell California liberals that in an emergency, no, they may not come to your house.

On Christmas Eve I went to a party where the four liberal families I previously discussed were present, and followed your advice. After bringing up the emergency kit issue again, lots of people complained and teased me (in a good natured way) but as expected, the ”we’ll just come to your house” meme reared its ugly head. I stated, as you suggested, that I would *NOT* help them in an emergency unless they first took measures to help themselves. This did not go over well. Much argument followed. The net result:

1) I am no longer welcome at any of the four homes (no great loss).

2) I am now morally equivalent to Hitler and George Bush.

3) One woman called me a potential child molester (I’m not sure of the logic, but it had something to do with not helping her starving kiddies when the world goes whacky).

4) Republicans are evil, therefore, I am evil (being a Libertarian, this seemed a bit unfair, but the finer points of political philosophy were lost in the debate).

5) Another woman (a hardcore feminist) screamed “I’ll call the police!! Hoarding in an emergency is just wrong. You won’t get away with it.”

6) The case of home brew ale I brought to the party was consumed (even some liberals have good taste in beer).

7) It was the females who did most of the ranting about my vile character and lack of moral fiber. They also had the worst potty mouths.

8) As I was leaving (actually, “kicked out” ) one of the guys said, with complete sincerity: “If things get bad, I really hope you’ll help us out.” I said nothing, just shook my head and left.

Unreal. The infantilization of the American people continues; self-preservation, preparing for the possibility that you might actually be responsible for the survival of your family is simply incomprehensible to these people. If government isn't able to supple a teat to suckle, they'll just leech off their self-reliant "friends."


Read the rest for more proof that Aesop knew what he was talking about more than 2,600 years ago.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 7, 2007 09:23 PM | TrackBack


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