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January 11, 2007

Uhh, yeah

Did you hear about the new series green-lighted by the geniuses at Fox?

Set your Tivo, folks! I hear "Supreme Courtships," focusing on the lives and loves of six Supreme Court clerks, is must-see TV.


You've got to be kidding.

Quizlaw says:

Genius, right? Six unattractive men and women, who haven’t been exposed to the sun’s rays in years, spend 18 hours a day on Lexis Nexis, researching ultimately mind-crushingly dull legal issues.

The first episode will revolve around one of Justice Breyer’s clerks who fails in his efforts to make a pass at a colleague, after he attempts to test the limits of his new sexual harassment opinion. The second episode will deal with Justice Thomas’ head clerk, who has to cope with severe allergies and a nasal drip while composing the dissent for an opinion concerning RICO, while his lazy-ass boss watches soap operas.

The season-long storyline, of course, will deal with Justice Scalia’s secret gay love-affair with one of John Paul Stevens’ clerks, who lashes out at Scalia by penning opinions in favor of homosexual unions.

I guess it makes perfect sense; having mined every possible angle of court-related drama and comedy (Night Court and Law & Order, versions 1 through 27), the only possible venues left are the antics of the paste-eating nitpickers of the law-review set.


Posted by Mike Lief at January 11, 2007 06:15 AM | TrackBack


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