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January 15, 2007

Everything you ever wanted to know about neck stretching

This is the most detailed examination of the history and mechanics of hanging I've seen, of particular interest recently given its use to execute Saddam Hussein and two of his most loyal henchmen.

Of particular note is the long-known possibility of the condemned prisoner's head popping off, if the hanging was inartfully executed. I mention this because an account of Hussein's cousin's hanging mentioned the "unprecedented" removal of his head, alleged evidence of the barbarity of Iraq's current rulers.

As the linked article notes, such an occurrence is hardly rare, and more often than not a sign of incompetence, rather than malice.

The author concludes that hanging is actually more humane than lethal injection -- if society is interested in lessening the suffering of the condemned, rather than alleviating the guilt and discomfort of the observers.

The full site details the history of capital punishment in the United Kingdom, and it's a well-written, detailed resource, for both supporters and opponents of the death penalty.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 15, 2007 11:19 AM | TrackBack


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