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January 17, 2007

Clear your baffles!

Apparently all is not well in the U.S. sub fleet.

Nothing puts crews to the test like going up against highly-trained adversaries -- and getting their butts kicked.

My boat, the USS Blueback (SS-581), often stalked the carrier during war games, mainly because, as a diesel boat, we were the most common opponent the U.S. Navy would encounter when operating in enemy territory.

As I've written before, diesel boats are very quiet when operating on their batteries -- like a hole in the ocean. We once got close enough to the carrier to land a flare on her flight deck; the nuclear fast attack subs never saw us coming.

Unless the Silent Service gets some good training partners, they're liable to get their asses handed to them when they confront the latest generation of ultra-quiet conventionally-powered subs.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 17, 2007 08:54 PM | TrackBack


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