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January 25, 2007

More multi-culti madness

The latest insanity comes courtesy of our cousins at Scotland Yard.

A Muslim woman police officer has sparked a new debate by refusing to shake hands with Britain's most senior police chief for religious reasons.

The incident happened at a passing-out parade where Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair was inspecting a line-up of 200 recruits.

In addition to refusing a traditional congratulatory handshake from Sir Ian, the WPC - who wore a traditional Muslim hijab headscarf - also declined to be photographed with him as she did not want the picture used for 'propaganda purposes'.

The woman had earlier insisted that it was contrary to her religious teaching for her to touch a man.

Now The Mail on Sunday has learned that her gesture has sparked top-level discussions at Scotland Yard.

Some officers argue that her attitude towards men might impede her ability to detain offenders.

Really? You don't say. Or is that just some of that droll, understated English humor?

However, it is clear that she is happy to come into contact with men, just not shake their hand or kiss them.


[S]enior commanders are worried that dismissing her would deepen the atmosphere of mistrust between the police and the Muslim community.

I don't even know where to begin, it's so stupendously, gloriously, Paris-Hilton idiotic.

Have the English gone completely bonkers? That this woman was not immediately given the sack is evidence that -- other than advanced-stage syphilis -- nothing turns the brain to swiss cheese quite like political correctness.

Cops have to touch all sorts of people you and I would prefer to avoid; that's why they use vats of Purel disinfectant gel and wear Kevlar gloves when frisking skeevy skels.

Using religion to avoid something so basic as a handshake is a damning indictment of both the woman and the officials who tolerated her behavior.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 25, 2007 09:49 PM | TrackBack


I would imagine the police still need pencil pushers. I hope she doesn't mind touching coffee cups.

Posted by: Trickish Knave at January 26, 2007 11:02 AM

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