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January 30, 2007

Feckless Congressional crap-weasels

Where are the serious politicians, the ones who actually think about the consequences of their actions -- and put the national interest before that of self or party?

I'll tell you where they ain't: in the GOP.

Check out this exchange between Hugh Hewitt and House Minority Leader John Boehner, discussing the congressman's lame-brained idea to set a series of "benchmarks" for the war in Iraq.

HH: What do you think the enemy thinks about your benchmark proposal?

JB: Uh, I think it helps the administration. I think it puts pressure on the Iraqi government to step up. If you look at the President’s proposal, it’s dependent upon the relatively new Iraqi government to step up and do what it has to do. And I think that having these benchmarks out there send a very clear signal to the Iraqis that we’re going to expect them to do what they have to do.

HH: But the question was what do you think the enemy thinks about your resolution?

JB: We’re measuring progress. We’re measuring success.

HH: But do you think the enemy thinks it’s a bad thing that you’ve put this into place?

JB: I don’t think so.

Where're my blood pressure pills? I can hear the arteries in my brain creaking.


Dean Barnett has an explanation for Boehner's pathetic performance, and it's even more troubling.

SO WHAT ARE WE TO MAKE OF THIS? Two possible scenarios – one is that Boehner knows damn well what this will do for the enemy and yet he still wants to pass the resolution for political reasons. The other scenario, and frankly I find this one both more likely and more chilling, is that Boehner has never even considered, not for one second, the effect his resolution will have on the enemy. Hugh’s question caught him off guard and without an answer because to him, it seemed like a non-sequitur.

Such is the nature of the political vacuum that our politicians dwell in. While Boehner may not have considered what effect his resolution will have in the enemy, I would bet he spent extensive time figuring out what effect it will have on the political landscape. That one he no doubt calculated within an inch of its life.

Apart from the danger we face from abroad, this idiocy from the Republican leadership bodes ill for the political health of the Republic, terrorists be damned.

If the GOP can't muster just a little courage and smarts to differentiate themselves from the Democrats (ably represented by Hanoi Jane Fonda calling for an immediate withdrawl from Iraq), then there's scant reason for conservatives to cast a vote in the next election cycle.

Bad times, my friends, bad times.

Posted by Mike Lief at January 30, 2007 11:40 PM | TrackBack


The cartoon is SO GOOD it should be kept at the top of your blog for a long time.

Posted by: The Little Coach at January 31, 2007 02:55 PM

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