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February 12, 2007

GOP straw poll

The latest GOP straw poll is up, and the results are interesting.

GOP first choice.jpg

Newt Gingrich is making an early strong showing, a result of his impeccable conservative credentials, as well as his having given great thought to the issues that matter the most: war, terrorism, and civilizational conflict.

Although Giuliani is in first place, his positions on gun control threaten to rob him of a significant portion of the GOP base. He says things like this, that make NRA members want to stay at home and watch the Outdoor Channel on Primary Day.

"I used gun control as mayor," he said at a news conference Saturday during a swing through California. But "I understand the Second Amendment. I understand the right to bear arms."

He said what he did as mayor would have no effect on hunting.

Because, as we all know, the Second Amendment is about the right to go hunting.


On the other hand, Giuliani also says things like this about the non-binding resolutions kicking around Congress.

"In the business world, if two weeks were spent on a nonbinding resolution, it would be considered nonproductive," Giuliani told the lunch crowd, setting off a burst of laughter.

He called the concept "a comment without making a decision." America, he added, is "very fortunate to have President Bush."

"Presidents can't do nonbinding resolutions. Presidents have to make decisions and move the country forward, and that's the kind of president that I would like to be, a president who makes decisions."

He's good.

As for John McCain -- who?

Take a look at this breakdown of positives/negatives.

GOP acceptability.jpg

This doesn't bode well for the media's favorite Republican candidate.

What do you think?

Add your vote to the polling.

Posted by Mike Lief at February 12, 2007 07:05 AM | TrackBack


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