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February 13, 2007

Unions hate secret ballots

Why do unions hate the secret vote, the most basic part of democracy? Because they keep losing in their attempts to unionize, when the workers casting the ballots don't have to worry about union goons knowing how they voted via the secret ballot.

So, naturally, the Democrats are proposing to abolish secret ballots.

This morning, a House subcommittee is scheduled to hold this Congress's first hearing on the Employee Free Choice Act. The bill would require employers to recognize unions formed by a method known as "card check," which involves gathering a majority of employee signatures. Under the proposed law, traditional balloting on unionization would still be possible, but it is likely to vanish as union organizers opt for the card check approach.

As part of their 2006 platform, Democrats promised quick action on the legislation. However, Republicans contend that the title of the bill is Orwellian because the measure would make workers subject to intimidation by union organizers who would know whether an individual worker signed the petition or refused to do so.

Yeah, having a couple of goons shove a clipboard in your face and hand you a pen while saying, "You wanna join da union, doncha?" certainly wouldn't be coercive.

Why do unions hate secret ballots? Why do they hate democracy?

Posted by Mike Lief at February 13, 2007 08:52 AM | TrackBack


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